
Archive for the ‘Classes’ Category

Ephesians 3:14-21:

14 For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, 15 from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, 16 that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love,18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, 19 and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

20 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Trees and forests are some amazing parts of God’s creation. Each tree is a whole made of many parts. And a forest is made up of many trees. A forest is like a team – it is full of trees (individuals), each uniquely gifted to add to the ecosystem of the forest (ministry). I want you to keep the ideas and images of trees in your mind. In fact why don’t you write those four words on a piece of paper: God, tree, creation, and forest.

1)    Now what does the phrase mean, “you can’t see the forest through the trees” mean?

Often in team ministry we can’t see the unity or the common goal because we are too busy looking at ourselves or the differences we have with others. We look at what we don’t have, and how we may not be as good at something that someone else is.

2)    If you were a tree or shrub what kind would you be?                  Why?

  1. Think of someone different than you on your team, what kind of tree or shrub would they be?                 Why

One my favorite scenes of winter are of pine trees all white with their bows weighed and covered with snow. In many ways words and life weighs us down and make us bow, like those evergreen trees all weighed down.

3)    What usually causes people to bow down or kneel?                    Why?

4)    What are some trite/cliché phrases people say when they don’t know what to say, are weighed down, or uncomfortable?

  1. What are some trite/cliché phrases you catch yourself saying?

Often we use words but we don’t often SEE them or comprehend their full meaning. We speak trite phrases without paying attention to whom or what we are speaking about, or the context. Words are weighty – they are rooted and full, and powerful. Sometimes however, we forget the weight words have, or misunderstand the weight of the topic or moment.

Now on the backside of that piece of paper answer these two questions:

5)    How would you categorize the words: bow, rooted, grounded, love, breadth and length and height and depth, fullness?

  1. How about the words: riches, glory, strengthened, power, comprehend, filled, abundantly, generations, forever?

There are other times we bow of our own accord and recognition of something greater or more powerful than us.

6)    What is causing Paul to bow down?

  1. Is Paul bowing for worship, prayer, submission, pressure? Or all?

Historically people in Jesus’ time would stand for prayer, especially Jews and Christians. However, when they knelt it was out of submission or worship. Paul isn’t weighed down by anything negative. Instead he bows in submission and worship (in prayer & praise) because of an incredible God with incredible and overwhelming characteristics and love for each of us.

familyservice7)    What is Paul asking God to do?

Paul calls God our Father and fixes all earthly families to the source, our heavenly Father. The gift of God’s Spirit, knowledge of God’s love, the comprehension of God’s love, and the incomprehensible sacrifice of Jesus is what roots us together and allows us to love and serve others.

8)    When have you felt overwhelmed by the love of God in this team ministry?

Another favorite winter scene is of a gust of wind blowing, snow falling off the limb, and the branch springing back. It’s like that often in team ministry. God’s Spirit is alive and working around and through us. God’s fullness is revealed to us through means – creation, his Word, or another Christian – like a breath of freshness, a burst of energy, a comfort, a gentle touch, or a big high-five.

Close in Prayer, praising and thanking God for his creativity and awesomeness. For his love and forgiveness, and his power at work within us. For his Spirit and the things that help you grow (like a tree). And for the things that help you be a part of this team ministry (this Forest) that make it unique, helpful, and valuable.

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God’s Body & Teamwork

(So one of my classes is Team Ministry, and one of the assignments is to write a 10 minute devotion that would be used in a team setting. I thought I’d share. And I pray that you are able to use it, or at the least are strengthened by it.)

1 Corinthians 12:14-20:

14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many. 15 If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? 18 But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. 19 If all were a single member, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, yet one body.

Bodies are amazing. God has created some pretty amazing things when he created them. They work amazingly together; even for simple tasks like your brain responding to the nerves in your epidermal layer by telling the nerves and muscles in your hand and arm to scratch an itch under your nose.

1)    How many parts of the body are listed in the text?

  1. What makes them different?

2)    On a piece of paper write down what makes you different or unique from the other members of this ministry team?

Every part of your body, every cell, is important to the overall function of the body. The Terminologica Anatomica lists over 7,500 named parts of the human body. And each will be missed if they are not there. Sometimes it’s easy to feel insignificant or unimportant; that if you were gone, you wouldn’t be missed. And it’s just as easy to feel too significant or important; that if you were gone, the whole ministry would fall to pieces. Neither of these is the right attitude to have.

3)    Touch your left ear if you’ve ever had either of these attitudes.

https://i0.wp.com/onestep4ward.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Pareto-Principle-lifestyle-design.pngThe Pareto Principle or Law (A.K.A. The 80/20 Rule) is that 20% of something is always responsible for 80% of the results. It teaches that usually in an organization 80% of the work is done by 20% of the people (the same could be true in any arena). This is an unhealthy distribution of labor, and easily leads to burnout and possibly to the death of an organization. Could you imagine this ministry, your home, or your body only running on 20% of its resources and power? It wouldn’t last long would it? This is a result of sin, which rears its head in various forms and places within the culture of an organization in this fallen world…even within Christ’s Body (the church).

This “cultural norm” needs to be un-normed. We need to be more counter-cultural. Thanks to Christ and his grace and mercy, we are a part of his body. He chose us. And when the various parts of the body submit their wills to that of the head, it begins to work properly, the way it was meant to. Thankfully, you and I are forgiven. You are a new creation because of Christ. Jesus heals not only our relationship with him but also our relationship to the rest of the body. You are integral part of his body, and this ministry team.

4)    What is a job or task that you enjoy more than anyone else in your family? On this ministry team?

5)    On a piece of paper draw the part of a body you would be. Be ready to explain why?

6)    How has God arranged the members of this body, this ministry team?

  1. How does this ministry team support you and help you achieve your best?
  2. How do you support the ministry team and help it to achieve its best?

7)    Take the time this week to write a thank you card to two different people on your ministry team.https://i0.wp.com/blog.adw.org/wp-content/uploads/Faces_of_Christ.jpg

Prayer: Heavenly Father we thank and praise you for making each of us in an amazing way with unique gifts and abilities. We’re sorry when we think to lowly or highly of ourselves. And we’re sorry for being detractors of your work. Remind us of Christ and how he has chosen  and incorporated us into his body, and how we are here to help his body grow in number, strength, and ability. Thank you for many ways that you unite us in love, fellowship, and service. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Hey there, on break now, catching up on things around our home so that life runs a little smoother, and catching up on much needed rest, time with my kids, and time with my wife. So thankful for this time off of classes, and very thankful for Thanksgiving coming up next week.
Ended up finishing with about a 93.5% in my Fundamental Hebrew class, not bad for trying to learn a language in 10-weeks. I have a Hebrew blog brewing in my brain, I will try to get that out by next week.

In the meantime, here is something fun to think about: there is a very cool word in Hebrew: ריר pronounced “rear” which means “snot” or “slime”; very fun word.

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Week 8, in Greek class

It’s week 8, 12 more days till the final/qualifier. This is how I’m feeling today

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There are so many cool things I have (I would say we, as there are 30 of us in class, the biggest summer Greek class for the last 4-5 years) learned and experienced over the last 5 weeks. It is amazing to think that it has already been that long, and it has only been that long.

1) Like after just 2 weeks we were translating simple Bible passages…awesome, and why I (we are here).
2) 29 other guys to struggle, toil, study, and laugh with.
3) A professor who has been studying Greek for over 50 years, teaching it for 37 years, and so enthusiastic and passionate in his teaching that you can’t help but catch his excitement.

4) I’m now able to just begin to catch all the little nuances that translations tend to “translate down” (or out) for the sake of  agreement and therefore compromise. But that doesn’t change what the original text still says nor the little nuances that bring better and greater meaning to the text (and therefore to us as the reader/disciple).

5) To top it off last week we had the Mid-Term. and Today we got them back. I lost 7-8 points for horribly silly errors; so I could count that towards my grade, but I GOT AN 86%…feeling pretty good (and I know I have a lot more studying on this topic). Only 5 more weeks to go till our final/qualifier…ugh.

Well, it’s midnight, my head is bobbing, and therefore it is past my bedtime.


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