
Archive for March, 2012

So this week Josiah has been incredibly hard of hearing. We being concerned parents, asked teachers about it (if they noticed anything), and normal parents (beginning to freakout because of our son’s sudden loss of hearing and watching a TV show about deaf people – Switched at birth) begin to be concerned about it and made an appointment with the pediatrician.

So today, Rach brought the little ones (Reuben 2, & Micah 3.10) to my office with lunch for us all. My class ended with the arrival of the boys. She then left to get Josiah from school, and I had the joy of eating lunch with the other two, and entertaining them at work with the toys here (thank the Lord my office is kid friendly with a good stock of toys to entertain). In the midst of all this, I was able to get back to typing and working. Micah becoming board of playing with the a fore-mentioned toys, now knows all the secrets of the drawers of my desk, and found a new one – my calculator.

Micah proceeded to play with it, and use it everywhere for one reason or another. He cheerfully showed/commented to me, “Dad, this is a little one, and momma has a big one.” (Rach, got one as a gift from a friend a few years back, and still loves it, as do the kids.)

Rach came back to get the boys after dropping Josiah off back at school. We hastily got ourselves ready to go downstairs and wait for mom, as we watched the roofers on top of a new apartment building. Got the kids all in the car, buckled up and ready to go…said goodbye…I then headed back upstairs to clean-up and work till I pick-up Josiah from school.

And lo and behold, no calculator in sight, anywhere. I checked all the toy boxes, drawers, coach cushions…noth’n.

So, now back to staples to get another great but inexpensive calculator.

Preschoolers are like black-holes, anything you give them, they play with, or acquire, kiss it goodbye because chances are it is gone forever.

PS>>Josiah has fluid in both ears. He’s now on amoxicillian, and a load of other things to clear him up. We’ll be talking to the allergist soon about shots (as this is probably the cause of this). And Rach and I feel bad every time we talk with Josiah because we have to raise our voices to speak with him (like he’s in trouble and we angry and yelling at him).

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