
Archive for December, 2010

Our annual Chinese Christmas party has been schedule for December 18 for almost a year. We’ve been doing this now for about 6 years or more and so Rachel and I know what were doing; you could say we’re old hands at this.

This activity is supposed to be much more laid-back than our Thanksgiving Feast, more family orientated, and less stress on the organizers (it’s a Potluck too).

This is all true when the main planner, organizer, and emcee is healthy. I came down with a nasty fever and body ache thing Friday afternoon, 12/17 (the day before the party). Some dedicated volunteers and I began setup and decorating for the event, and then I had to take Josiah to a bowling birthday party (he had a blast). Came home tired, a little achey, and still slightly feverish.

That night I shivered up a storm. I thought my fever broke, but felt even worse when I woke up. Rachel took one look at me and told me to get back in bed and not to get up till 1pm. She looked after the kids and ran over to church a couple of time to get food/drink things setup. I slept. Woke up, Rach and I made some phone calls, went over to church to finish setting up, came home and rested.

Rach, Josiah, Karis, and Reuben all went over for the party. It went off fine, and everyone had a great time. Thank you to everyone involved. Thank you also for your prayers and concern. I went to bed that night and shivered again. Woke up feeling better on Sunday, but stayed home from everything (my wife insisted). Checked my fever Sunday night, still have a fever, but at least it’s only 101.3. Cancelled my Monday class, just in case.

My wife is awesome. God has blessed me abundantly because of, and through her. Thank you.

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Micah happily rolling in the snow

Josiah and Karis in the first big snowfall of the season


Today is the most beautiful day. We woke up to find the ground covered in soft, fluffy, white snow. Big flakes are still falling to the ground as I write this letter. I sent the kids outside and took some pictures and just felt so peaceful in my surroundings. Everything seems quieter and closer when you are standing outside in fresh fallen snow.

Our Thursday morning Bible study is learning about “Peace on Earth” this week and next week. It is a two-part series on Peace at Christmas. We are trying to understand why Jesus is the Prince of Peace. The focus of our Bible study is not “peace on earth” between man and man, but the Peace between God and man through Christ Jesus.

Christmas is therefore a celebration of the coming of Peace to earth and the restoration of our relationship with God. Christmas is both a birthday celebration and a victory chant. Christ has defeated death and the grave and we have been made right with God and have been declared sons and daughters of the Most High. That is a cause for true celebration! Merry Christmas!

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International Thanksgiving Dinner

Last week we hosted our annual International Thanksgiving Dinner. It was an amazing evening! Approximately 215 international families and local church and community families joined together for an evening of feasting, games, and a wonderful presentation on Thanksgiving by the St. James 6th grade class.

It was our biggest evening yet! Both for internationals and volunteers. It is so pleasing to sit back and see conversations going on and people smiling and interacting in a positive way. It reminds me of what Thanksgiving was originally all about: people from diverse backgrounds getting together peacefully to share with each other and learn from each other.

We thank you so much for your prayers and ask for continual prayers as the relationships that were formed or enhanced will continue to be God-glorifying as we try to meet the needs of our international friends.

Please also pray for the people who have joined our church services, Bible studies, and English classes since the event. We praise God for that!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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