
Archive for November, 2016








If the Cubs winning the World Series didn’t bring thoughts of the end times, then maybe last’s week election did.

Our reading for today is about the end times. It was the topic of Toby’s sermon yesterday; and the following devotional is an abbreviated version of his sermon.

Reading for today: Luke 21:5-28

Here we are getting ready to feast on Thanksgiving meals, thinking on all we’re thankful for. Here we are at the doorstep of the Advent season. Here we are getting ready to remind the world of Christ’s birth… and I want to talk about despair and end times. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas everyone!

But there is a reason why we talk about despair and end times right before we talk about Christ coming to earth at Christmas. For a hint as to why that is  – look at the very last words of our reading for today.

Redemption is near.

I bring you here to the end of the passage, not because I want to spoil the end the story for you, but to remind you that as we struggle through these “end times”, you might be tempted, like so many people, to fall back into those feelings of despair or fear. But do not be afraid! God has a plan of redemption for you and for me and for all people.

Trickled throughout this doomsday passage are promises for us. Promise of opportunities to share the Gospel. Promise of wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s help. Promise of protection. Promise of eternal life. Promise of redemption. And the greatest promise of all – Christ will come again!

This is why we talk about the end times right before Advent. Because while Advent is a time of waiting in hope for Christ’s first coming, these times, these tumultuous times that we live in right now, these are the days that we wait in hope for Christ’s second coming.

Come, Lord Jesus, come! Amen.


Many people close to you may be scared, confused, or hurt by what’s going on in this world or by what’s going on in their own lives. This week, focus on 4 things to remember and practice as you talk to those around you.

Day 2 – God is in control. 2 Chronicles 20:6; Romans 8:28

Day 3 – Jesus will come again. Romans 8:18; Hebrews 9:28

Day 4 – Love God and Love others. Matthew 22:36-40; 1 Corinthians 13:13

Day 5 – Pray. 1 Timothy 2:1-4; James 5:16


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Reading for this week: James 1:1-12


I work in education and this school year is already set to be one of my toughest. It’s only October and I am already feeling burned out. Deep breathes, a good night’s sleep, and large, strong coffees are necessary to get through every day.

Last week, however, my coworker said to me, “You know, I need to stop complaining about everything that’s going wrong and remember that there is a reason why things are the way they are.”

In the Book of James, there are basically 3 steps in coping with unwanted trials. (And unbelievably, coffee does not make the list.)


  1. Count it joy.

By far the hardest, “count it joy” means that we look at our trials dead-on and record them in our “things to be grateful for” list, which is counter-intuitive and in a lot of situations the opposite of what we want to do.

  1. Be patient.

We thank God for our trials and allow patience (not impatient or anger) to be the side effect of our trial. Let that hard-practiced patience have its full effect. God promises that it will give way to perfection and completeness in Christ, where we lack nothing.

  1. Ask God, in faith, for wisdom.

My favorite one, yet so many times I forget to ask for it. The best coping strategy in the middle of any trial and the best help in our quest to be joyful and patient in affliction is the Holy Spirit’s guidance. And God promises to give it to you. Just ask.

Dear God, Right now I am struggling with _______________________________. You have allowed this to happen but you have promised to give me wisdom, patience, and help in my time of need. Give me all those blessings and grant me the strength to say, “Thank you for this trial.” Amen.

God blesses those who endure their trials in faith. As you read the passages below this week, study those blessings!

Day 2 – Romans 5:1-5

Day 3 – Romans 8:18-28

Day 4 – Hebrews 12:1-13

Day 5 – Psalm 34






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